Thursday, February 6, 2025
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Robotics Award 2025 Nominees Announced – Here’s the List!

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Robotics Award 2025 Nominees Announced – Here’s the List!

A high-caliber jury of experts in robotics has announced the list of nominees for the coveted ROBOTICS AWARD 2025. The award honors companies that are driving pioneering developments in industry with their robot-assisted automation and logistics solutions. This year, three companies have made it onto the shortlist. The winner will be announced on 19 February during the HANNOVER MESSE Press Preview.

The jury has selected three companies from among the numerous entries submitted from Germany and abroad for the ROBOTICS AWARD to be presented at HANNOVER MESSE 2025. The solutions will be judged according to the degree of technical innovation they exhibit, as well as their readiness for market release, and their economic viability.

The nominees are as follows, in alphabetical order:
Leverage Robotics GmbH, Munich, Germany. The nominated RoboHive robot programming system is based on the combination of an AI-driven user interface in natural language and a time-based visual drag-and-drop workflow for multi-robot applications. The user can describe tasks in a general way without needing to specify each individual step involved. The RoboHive system translates these tasks into detailed robot programs, thereby expediting the development of complex tasks. Besides this, RoboHive has a time-based drag-and-drop interface that enables a transparent visualization of complex workflows. This combination makes for greater agility and efficiency in production while cutting labor costs.

Mantis Robotics BV, Leuven, Belgium. The third of the nominations for the award features the world’s first high-speed industrial robot with intrinsic 3D spatial perception. This characteristic enables the Mantis robot to detect obstacles and humans in its direct environment, and thus plan and navigate accordingly so as to avoid collision. This physical intelligence allows the robot to interact safely and seamlessly with humans while combining the advantages of both stationary robot arms and collaborative robots. A code-free and digital twin setup means the industrial robot can be deployed within just a few hours, costs far less than comparable devices, and is significantly more productive than cobots.

Maple Advanced Robotics Inc., Richmond Hill, Canada. The nominated MARI AARS project involves an AI-driven robotics platform that facilitates rapid, no-code programming. This is enabled by cutting-edge 3D scanning, automatic robot path generation and an intuitive graphical flowchart user interface that eliminates the reliance on coding and CAD files in robot programming. Furthermore, the MARI AARS platform incorporates functions that correct any deviations, thus helping to ensure a consistent level of quality. The robotics platform enables a considerable boost in productivity, thereby cutting labor and quality costs.

The three nominated solutions will be showcased to around 100 journalists from around the globe, after which the winner of the ROBOTICS AWARD 2025 will be announced. The prize includes a comprehensive and premium package consisting of exhibition space in the HANNOVER MESSE Application Park, a speaking slot in the Robotics Forum, and an interview in the Robotics Podcast.

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